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Flight Schedule

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Flight Date From STA ETA To Check-in Boarding STD ETD Status
Santiago de los caballeros (STI)
F9 268 06 Dec SJU 17:24 --:-- SJU 15:44 18:14 18:44 --:-- scheduled
Punta Cana (PUJ)
NK 784 06 Dec FLL 15:48 --:-- FLL 13:43 15:58 16:43 --:-- scheduled
TX 607 06 Dec ORY 17:00 --:-- ORY 16:20 18:50 19:20 --:-- scheduled

Flights with special delays from the last 7 days

Flight Date From STA ETA To Check-in Boarding STD ETD Status
Currently there are no flights scheduled.
  • All times are local times for the Dominican Republic, which is GMT -04:00 all year round.
  • Some flights arrive with a different flight number than they leave. Only the outbound flight number is shown.
  • If you want to know the airline or airport name, place your mouse over the three-letter code and wait for the tool-tip to appear.